Welcome the newest independent financial practices to Ameritas – February 2023

Join us in welcoming the newest independent financial practices to contract with Ameritas during the fourth quarter of 2022.
Esquire Benefit Solutions LLC
Stanley Arden, New York
Extertus Financial Partners
Allan Lorenzo, California
Gamma Capital Group LLC
Jori Guzhuna, New York
Gisyer Benefits Solutions
Sam Gisyer, North Carolina
Molina Insurance Group, Inc.
Jose Molina, Oregon
OV Williams & Associates, Inc
O’Doll Van Williams “OV”, Florida
Rich Martin Principal
Rich Martin, California
Southeastern Financial Service, Inc
James McGary, Kentucky
The Bloch Agency Inc
Ken Bloch, North Carolina
Thompson Unlimited, LLC
Uldrick Thompson, South Carolina
Total Advisory Group LLC
John Bell, Florida
Ameritas offers the things independent financial professionals need to grow. All under the roof of a strong, mutual-based organization. What’s your vision for your financial practice? We’ll meet you where you are and help you grow. Let’s connect.
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