
     Showing 41-48 of 102   

Ameritas associates spent the afternoon volunteering at Lincoln area nonprofits

Ameritas volunteers kick-off summer of giving

To begin a summer of giving, Ameritas leadership team members spent some time at Lincoln nonprofits, lending a hand in whatever needed done, from constructing…

June 23, 2023  | read icon 3 min read

Business colleagues sitting at a table during a meeting.

Ameritas launches new Pooled Employer Plan

Ameritas has announced the launch of the Pooled Employer Plan (PEP), now available on Ameritas’ flexible retirement plan platform. PEPs allow unrelated companies or organizations…

June 15, 2023  | read icon 3 min read

Ameritas announces its 2023 Hall of Fame inductee, Greg Edwards of Lawless, Edwards and Warren Wealth Management

Ameritas announces 2023 Hall of Fame inductee

Gregory W. Edwards, of Lawless, Edwards and Warren Wealth Management, is the newest member of the Ameritas Hall of Fame. Edwards will enter the Hall…

June 12, 2023  | read icon 3 min read

Bill Lester

Ameritas announces Bill Lester’s retirement

William W. (Bill) Lester, CFA, FLMI, will retire as president and chief executive officer of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, Ameritas Holding Company and Ameritas Life…

June 5, 2023  | read icon 5 min read

Female enjoying a cup of coffee outside near the mountains.

Ameritas announces new disability income insurance product, DInamic Cornerstone

Ameritas has announced the launch of DInamic Cornerstone Income ProtectionSM, a new disability income insurance product that includes greater strength and flexibility for policyholders. DInamic…

May 8, 2023  | read icon 3 min read

Empty wicker chair sits on a porch with blanket draped over the back near a table holding a laptop and coffee cup.

Welcome the newest independent financial practices to Ameritas – April…

Join us in welcoming the newest independent financial practices to contract with Ameritas during the first quarter of 2023.

April 27, 2023  | read icon 2 min read

Two individuals shaking hands.

Ameritas announces newly elected officers – April 2023

Ameritas President and CEO Bill Lester announces the following officer elections.

April 14, 2023  | read icon 4 min read

     Showing 41-48 of 102   

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Derek Rayment

Senior Media Relations Specialist

Desk: (402) 467-7850
