Value Plus Term Life Insurance
Term Quote Calculator
Please provide the information below to generate an estimate for Ameritas Value Plus Term Life Insurance coverage.
You may see two quotes for your term coverage. The first rates will allow you to convert your policy to an individual permanent life insurance product for five years. If available, the second quote will display rates with the Conversion Extension Rider which provides a longer conversion period.
The same payor discount is available to quote. The same payor discount will reduce the term policy fee by 50% when at least two life or disability income insurance policies are paid from the same bank account. For example, policies on a husband and wife or policies purchased by a grandparent for grandchildren would qualify for the same payor discount if the bank account is the same payor. Only one discount can be applied.
Premiums for other available riders are not reflected in the calculator. Premium results do not take into account discounts that are available to financial service professionals.
For more information, or for help obtaining coverage, find a financial professional.
Premiums are guaranteed level for the first 10, 15, 20 and 30 years respectively. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company. This quote is based on age nearest birthday. The actual premium may differ from this quote. Ultimate premiums are determined after the underwriting process is complete and by the payment method selected. This quote is not an offer of a contract.
In approved states, Value Plus Term (form 3021, in Oregon form ICC17 3021 07-17 and ICC17 3021 SCH 07-17) and the Conversion Extension Rider (form CER 3-20, form CER 3-20 FL) are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. In New York, Value Plus Term (form 5021) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York. Policy and riders may vary and may not be available in all states.