Painting the Financial Picture

Carrie Leeb is an artist and entrepreneur from San Francisco. She’s been creating from the time she was a little girl and grew that passion into a successful career as a graphic designer, sculptor, photographer and painter. She was represented by galleries in California and New York City.
After years as a professional artist, Carrie decided she wanted to share her creativity with more people. She opened Spark Studio, where she teaches a variety of art classes.
“Spark Studio is a place where people can come and feel free to explore their creative side,” explained Carrie. “My number one ambition is for people to have fun. I love seeing the light bulb go on and people realizing ‘I made this!’ and it’s all coming from within yourself.”
A decades-long relationship
In 1997, Carrie realized she needed creative help in a new way. She asked Amy Blodgett, owner and founder of Boom Planning, to help with financial strategies for her personal and business life. From buying her first house to setting up a retirement plan for her business, Carrie’s financial strategy with Amy evolved to meet her needs at each stage of life.
“What struck me about Carrie was she was so eager to learn,” remembered Amy. “She was open to new ideas, she wanted financial advice, she wanted a long-term relationship and she was creative. I’m so drawn to creative people, so it was just a match from the beginning.”
Customized for Carrie
Carrie said that when she expressed an interest in doing more impact investing and micro-financing, Amy went above and beyond her expectations. Just like artwork, a financial strategy is deeply personal. Amy took the time to research all of Carrie’s questions and paint a financial picture just right for Carrie.
“The goal of our team is to help our clients as much as humanly possible and make things feel really simple, really easy and really fun,” said Amy.
Working with Amy and her team helped make it possible for Carrie to feel comfortable about her financial future and continue pursuing all the things that fuel her creativity and joy.
“There are so many things that make my life fulfilling,” said Carrie. “I feel so fortunate to have the life that I have.”
Ameritas is proud to help paint the financial picture in this fulfilling life story.
Sources and References:
Carrie Leeb is a client of Amy Blodgett and Ameritas Advisory Services, LLC. Carrie Leeb did not receive compensation for her participation or comments. As a client of Amy Blodgett and AAS, a conflict of interest exists which may result in the incentive to provide a higher level of service.
This material should not be construed as personal or professional investment advice. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Investment recommendations will vary by client and may not be appropriate for everyone. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, including the potential loss of principal. It should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy recommended or undertaken by AIC or AAS will be profitable. Neither diversification, portfolio construction, or ongoing management provide a guarantee against loss of principal or any measure of expressed or implied investment return.
Amy Blodgett offers products and services using the following business names: Boom Planning/Canvas Financial – insurance and financial services | Ameritas Investment Company, LLC (AIC), Member FINRA/SIPC – securities and investments. | Ameritas Advisory Services, LLC (AAS) – investment advisory services. AIC and AAS are not affiliated with Boom Planning, Canvas Financial or any other entity mentioned herein.
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