Spring is here, and that means the days are longer. The weather is warmer and the windows are starting to open. It also means people are planning their annual spring cleaning after a long winter cooped up inside.
Spring cleaning doesn’t excite many people, but there’s good reason to be enthusiastic. Decluttering your physical space can have positive effects on your mental health. It can help reduce stress and anxiety while creating positive feelings of accomplishment that can boost your mood.
Continue reading to learn more about the ways spring cleaning can contribute to a happier and healthier state of mind.
Reduces stress and anxiety
It’s no secret that a cluttered home can be a major source of stress. According to a study from Penn Medicine’s Chester County Hospital, around 54% of people report feeling overwhelmed by a messy living space. Taking the time to organize clutter can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your personal space.
Cleaning your home also puts you in greater control of the space around you. Organizing important documents, clothes, food and magazines make these items easier to find. Decluttering helps eliminate the stress that comes with frantically searching your house when you need something at a moment’s notice.
Discarding old personal items can also help you feel lighter and ground you in the present moment. We often store old memories (especially painful ones) in our personal belongings. Removing some of these from your life can have a powerful healing effect on your well-being.
Eliminates dust and pathogens to prevent disease
Dust, pathogens and other dangerous particles accumulate over time, especially in the winter months when people spend more time indoors. Inhaling these particles can weaken your immune system and lead to illness. Dust inhalation has been linked to some respiratory problems like asthma.
Disinfecting surfaces and washing sheets, curtains and pillows clears your home of many of these disease-causing pathogens. This can help strengthen your immune system and protect your body from disease.
There is a positive correlation between physical and mental health. Taking steps to improve one often helps raise the quality of the other. By clearing your home of dust and pathogens, you can boost your overall well-being and positively contribute to your mental health.
Promotes other changes in your life
Sometimes a big change like a deep spring cleaning encourages us to reevaluate and make other positive changes in our lives. Making the effort to reorganize and declutter your living space might encourage you to think about other areas in your life you want to put in order.
Consider spring cleaning as an opportunity to adopt other positive mood- and mental health-boosting activities. Keep a daily journal to jot down your thoughts. Start an exercise routine to boost your endorphins (your body’s “happy hormones”). Reach out to an old friend. Whatever it is, spring cleaning can help put you in the mindset of change and improvement.
Creates a sense of accomplishment
We are hardwired to set and achieve goals. In fact, many psychologists consider realistic goal-setting to be an important factor in overall happiness and satisfaction.
Spring cleaning can be an immense annual task. Try starting small. You might fail to accomplish overly ambitious tasks, which could create negative feelings like disappointment. Don’t commit yourself to a house-wide deep clean on a single Saturday afternoon. Break the job up into smaller chunks over several days.
When you set realistic goals to declutter your living space, you promote positive feelings of accomplishment and boost your happy hormones.
Ameritas is here for you
Good mental health is essential to a happy and fulfilling life. It’s important to put time aside this spring to reorganize your home. You’ll create a healthier environment, including a calmer and more peaceful mind.
Ameritas is in the business of fulfilling life. Bringing you valuable information to help you plan well and enjoy life is part of what we do. To learn more about Ameritas, visit ameritas.com/about.
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