Enhance Dental and Vision Plans with Added-Value Services

May 26, 2023 |read icon 5 min read

Enhance Dental and Vision Plans with Added-Value Services As prices rise, employees are looking for ways to save money. They’re especially interested in affordable add-ons and no-cost, added-value services that help them get more for the money they spend. One key way workers can control costs is to stay healthy. That’s why insurance benefits and added services are so important.

Most employees enroll in medical insurance to assist with unexpected health problems. But they also count on having dental and vision coverage in their benefits packages. They know these plans help keep their teeth and eyes healthy, contributing to their overall health. Employers can offer affordable dental and vision plans. And some of these plans can include add-on benefits and extra savings. Review how to enhance dental and vision plans with added-value services. Offering the benefits employees value can strengthen your reputation as an employer of choice.

Leverage existing benefits coverage

Dental and vision insurance benefits feature preventive checkups designed to identify potential problems. Scheduling regular preventive dental and vision exams can help employees save money. Typically, yearly preventive exams are covered at 100%.

  • Dental insurance – A dental exam features professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and food particles stuck on teeth. Dentists check the healthiness of the gums and look for signs of oral cancer. During the appointment, the dentist also looks for signs of potential medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease. A professional teeth cleaning is a must for removing plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Vision insurance – During a vision exam, the eye doctor looks deep into the eye, checking for changes in blood vessels and muscles. Changes may indicate symptoms of a serious health problem, including heart disease, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or thyroid disorders. The eye doctor tests the eyes to identify vision acuity and potential prescription eyewear needs to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Improve benefits package with LASIK and hearing add-ons

When reviewing dental and vision insurance plans, ask about add-on benefits. These extra benefits offer high value at a low cost and help employees care for their health. Popular choices are LASIK and hearing care insurance. Every insurance carrier may provide different add-on options, but here are the benefits workers value:

  • LASIK insurance – It’s become a popular option for employees wanting to improve the quality of their vision. And workers’ improved vision after LASIK can directly enhance their work performance. A LASIK benefit makes it more affordable for employees to get laser vision correction, reducing their dependency on glasses or contacts.More than 90% of people with LASIK achieve 20/20 and 20/40 vision without eyeglasses or contacts. Look for add-on LASIK benefits not tied to a vision network so employees can get services from any provider. Check if the benefit can be used for popular LASIK procedures. Also, verify if employees can use discounts or special promotions offered by a LASIK doctor.
  • Hearing insurance – Hearing loss has become a major health problem for employees of all ages. About 15% of American adults report some type of hearing loss. Regular hearing exams help workers and their dependents protect and preserve their hearing. Hearing coverage is an affordable benefit. Most plans feature a variety of services, such as an annual hearing exam and benefits toward the cost of hearing aids, maintenance, batteries, fittings and repairs.

Include added-value services at no extra charge

When comparing plans, find out if there are extra discounts offered on other services at no extra cost. These savings opportunities generally are non-insurance discounts available through participating companies. Here are three examples:

  • Prescription savings – Employees appreciate access to discount cards to save money on prescriptions. The card is beneficial for workers with limited or no prescription benefits. For employees with prescription benefits who do not meet their yearly deductible, the prescription card can help lower their out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Hearing aid, audio product savings – Workers of all ages experience hearing loss. Employers can help them save on hearing exams, hearing aids and name-brand audio products for the home and office. These savings should be offered through a reputable hearing company with network provider options.
  • Eyewear savings – Glasses can be expensive. Employers can help employees save on prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses and safety glasses at participating stores. This is especially helpful if employees do not have vision insurance or they have used their vision benefits for the year.

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