Ameritas Accounts
Manage your retirement plan, annuity, life insurance and disability income insurance policies online with convenient self-service features through Ameritas Accounts.
Manage retirement plans
Plan participants can manage investments, view historical information, account activity and plan documents, update beneficiary information, and request loans and withdrawals.
Make payments
Submit policy, loan and late payments. Add bank account information to your account details to make payments easily.
Submit forms
Fill out and submit the forms you’ll need to do things like request loans, withdrawals or distributions, and update beneficiaries or banking information.
Find tax documents
Download or print the forms you need for filing your taxes.
Update beneficiary and address
Manage primary and contingent beneficiary information and submit mailing address changes.
Send secure messages
Send any questions or completed forms to client services.
Access financial tools
Use calculators that can help you protect your family and income, build and manage your wealth, and plan for retirement.
Create an account
Access account details, policy value, documents, transaction history, forms and more.